"If I'm driving a Mercedes, you are too, my love": Leonardo Leyva gifts a car to his girlfriend Iraisel in Cuba.

From the photos that Iraisel posted on Instagram, the car seems to be a Mercedes-Benz GLC SUV.

Iraisel enseña el Mercedes que le regaló su novio Leonardo Leyva © Instagram / Iraisel
Iraisel shows the Mercedes that her boyfriend Leonardo Leyva gave her.Photo © Instagram / Iraisel

After gifting his mom in Cuba a Kia car, Leonardo Leyva's surprises are not over; this time it was his girlfriend Iraisel Pintueles who received another gift, nothing more and nothing less than a Mercedes-Benz.

The Cuban influencer showed off on social media the gift from her partner along with heartfelt words of thanks for the volleyball player.

"There's something about you that's impossible to ignore: that beautiful obsession you have for making me happy, that constant dedication that knows no bounds. Life blessed me the day you entered my world, and how fortunate I was to open the door to you, because since then you care for me, protect me, and love me in a way only you know how to do, with an intensity that completely envelops me," the young woman wrote in her text.

"Every detail, every gesture of yours, is a reminder of how lucky I am to walk by your side. Thank you for being that person who not only loves me deeply but also understands and cares for me like a fierce wolf (...) thank you for my beautiful gift, my love," added Iraisel.

"If I drive a Mercedes, so do you, my love," Leo reacted in the comments to the post along with "I am pleased to love you and please you."

Instagram capture / Iraisel

According to the athlete, who is still building his career in South Korea, both are now "Mercedes club."

From the photos that Iraisel posted on Instagram, the car appears to be a Mercedes-Benz GLC SUV.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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