In the midst of the severe energy crisis that causes daily blackouts of up to 12 hours in Cuba, the business of coal stoves has emerged once again to facilitate the cooking of food that was previously prepared with electricity.
In Facebook groups from Las Tunas, there are numerous posts selling these stoves, which were used during the so-called Special Period in the last decade of the last century.
Some can cost 2500 pesos, the same as a minimum wage, according to what can be read in the buying and selling ads of Las Tunas.
"The stoves are also sold 'for up to 1200 pesos in Camagüey,' several posts on social media indicate."
In several provinces, the regime itself, which had forced food cooking to depend on the energy matrix, has begun selling charcoal after many families complained that they had no way to cook amid the blackouts.
Especially in the eastern provinces of Cuba, coal has been the solution to the crisis.
Currently, power outages in Cuba exceed 1000 MW daily, a third of the national demand.
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