The Cuban government asks not to connect all devices when electricity is restored.

According to the regime, this measure would prevent an overload that could damage and blow out the transformers, which in turn would cause even more time without electricity.

  • CiberCuba Editorial

Apagón (Imagen de referencia) © Captura de video de YouTube
Power outage (Reference image)Photo © Capture from YouTube video

The Cuban regime, unable to put an end to the endless blackouts the population suffers, advised this Monday on social media that, after several hours of outages, once the service is restored, people should not plug in all their devices at once to avoid overloading the system.

The recommendation to avoid "more blackouts" came from the Provincial Government of the People's Power in Camagüey, which alerted on its Facebook profile: "An overload can affect and trigger transformers, which could lead to longer interruptions in the electrical supply."

Capture from Facebook / Provincial Government of the People's Power in Camagüey

Finally, he said: “The population is advised to start using the equipment gradually and according to priorities, once the desired electrical flow returns,” as if that were the magic solution to “make better use” of the brief moments of light after more than 16 hours of blackout.

The most ironic thing is that the publication was accompanied by images that the government considers "high consumers": an air conditioner and an electric stove. Specifically, two essential appliances for Cubans, as the first relieves the stifling heat and the second is indispensable for cooking food.

The "recommendation" has been heavily criticized on social media for the absurdity of asking the population, after interminable blackouts, not to connect their devices just when electricity is finally restored.

The Camagüey journalist José Luis Tan Estrada expressed his dissatisfaction on Facebook: "Provincial Government of Camagüey, are you going to replace the milk and food that has gone bad?"

Facebook Capture / José Luis Tan Estrada

Although absurd and unbelievable, it is not the first time that the government shares recommendations of this kind.

In 2020, the regime asked, through the state newspaper Granma, to freeze water and keep it out of the refrigerator to save electricity, among other recommendations that became a source of mockery on social media.

The official news portal highlighted the importance of freezing water bottles at night and leaving them out during the day, in order to avoid opening the refrigerator too frequently.

Previously, the Government of Cuba had called for "small actions" to save electricity.

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