Five tips from a Cuban for living better in the United States

Cuban gives 5 tips for living better in the United States: "Never trust anyone here."

A Cuban in the United States shared five tips for living in the country on his TikTok profile, where he identifies as @elchiki67. Recommendations that many users agreed with, as they commented on the post's board.

The first piece of advice he offers is to accept that, from the moment one arrives in the United States, one is alone, even if one has close family and friends. According to him, accepting this reality helps "the world start to turn in favor" of those who understand it.

The second point he mentions is the need not to get involved in other people's problems. He explains that in the United States, each person "runs in their own lane" and that focusing on solving others' problems can have serious consequences. "You can't get out of your lane to solve my problems, because you'll lose focus, you'll end up without rent or a car for solving my problem. And that's where your problem starts," he asserts.

The third piece of advice is more personal: don't share your dreams or plans with anyone. The Cuban emphasizes that in this country "every man for himself," so it's better to keep projects and aspirations private.

In the fourth point, he talks about distrust. Although having friends may seem positive, he warns that often those friendships may not be real and that the only "true friend" is God. "Everything else is a lie. Don't trust anyone. And if you have a partner, don't bring anyone to your home. If you want to share, go somewhere else," he recommends.

Finally, the fifth piece of advice focuses on the personal process: "your process, go through it yourself." The Cuban explains that it is crucial to face one's own difficulties without asking for help, so that when the stage of shortages is overcome, no one has the right to ask for anything in return.

"In all of them you are right," "Sure, wise words," "You are very right about everything, this is how this country is," "The most truthful and correct words I have been able to hear. Blessings," or "Likewise, these are the 5 most truthful things I have heard here on TikTok," said some users reacting to the advice.

What do you think?


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Izabela Pecherska

Writer for CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the King Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Writer for El Mundo and PlayGround.

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