Electricity generation deficit worsens: "It has already exceeded the planned for peak hours."

According to the daily report, a peak load of 1,264 MW was anticipated, but by 2:00 p.m. that figure had already been exceeded, reaching 1,270 MW, which reflects the magnitude of the electrical crisis in the country.

Apagón (Imagen de referencia) © Sputnik
Blackout (Reference image)Photo © Sputnik

At 2:00 p.m., the electricity deficit in Cuba exceeded 1,270 MW, a figure already surpassing the 1,264 MW forecast for the night of this Thursday, highlighting the increasing severity of the energy crisis affecting the country.

The official journalist Lázaro Manuel Alonso warned on Facebook that in several provinces of Cuba all possible circuits were turned off, which suggests a night darker than planned.

Facebook Capture / Lázaro Manuel Alonso

The situation highlights the difficulties faced by the Cuban electrical system, which seems unable to meet the demand, even at times when expectations were already pessimistic.

Alonso shared screenshots from various Telegram channels of several provincial branches of the Electric Union as evidence of the extreme day-to-day situation that Cubans face.

In several areas, by 2:00 p.m. circuits had already been shut down outside the scheduled time, further intensifying the problems with the power supply.

This Thursday at 7:00 am, the national electrical system had 457 MW affected by a capacity deficit, and by noon, it is estimated that this figure will rise to 800 MW.

Facebook capture / Electric Union UNE

According to the daily report, a peak impact of 1,264 MW was anticipated, but by 2:00 p.m., that figure had already been surpassed, reaching 1,270 MW, which reflects the magnitude of the electrical crisis in the country.

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