"Living off the Tale," the new victim of censorship on Cuban Television?

A producer linked to the program said in a phone call to CubaNet that the new episodes have not been released due to censorship.

Captura "Vivir del Cuento" © Captura YouTube / PánfiloYMás
Capture "Living off the Story"Photo © YouTube Capture / PánfiloYMás

The humorous show Vivir del Cuento could become the new victim of censorship on Cuban Television. Suspicions began after a message that Luis Silva shared on Instagram regarding the lack of airing for the new premiere episodes, and later one of the producers confirmed some rather unflattering information.

A producer linked to the program said in a phone call to CubaNet that the premiere episodes have not been released due to censorship: “There has been significant censorship in the making of the last episodes that were recorded, which has caused great discomfort among the team.”

According to the source, who asked the independent media not to be identified, "This situation adds to the obstacles they have put in place to continue with the recordings of the program. It seems that they want us to give up continuing."

"Vivir del Cuento has generally managed to overcome the obstacles, and we have been able to discuss so that the episodes air, but on this occasion, censorship has gone further," the producer asserted.

Last Thursday, Luis Silva himself, who plays the character Pánfilo on the comedy show, responded to a fan's concern about the absence of new episodes with a “don't expect good news” that raised the alarms even further.

His words were supported by another cast member, Marlon Pijuán, Isidoro in the comedy, who added a "unfortunately."

Instagram capture / Marlon Pijuán

So far, no member of the Vivir del Cuento team has revealed what is happening with the show, but it wouldn't be surprising if it were subject to censorship, given the constant criticism of Cuban reality that it presents with good humor.

The latest premiere episode aired on September 16, exactly when the 16th anniversary of the show was commemorated.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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