Priest Alberto Reyes to the rulers of Cuba: "Please, leave."

"Take everything you want and leave this country forever. Live wherever you want and can do so, so that we can also live."

Sacerdote cubano Alberto Reyes © Alberto Reyes / Facebook
Cuban priest Alberto ReyesPhoto © Alberto Reyes / Facebook

The priest Alberto Reyes sent a message of desperation to the rulers of Cuba, pleading with them to leave the country for good.

Reyes, from the parish of Esmeralda in Camagüey, stated that the government does not have a national project, is incapable of addressing the crisis, and what it has done to the people is genocide.

Known for his criticism of the regime, Father Reyes accused the communists of anchoring themselves in power and turning the Island into a rudderless ship, and he advises them to leave before the people can take no more and there is a bloodbath.

Next, CiberCuba shares the full text of the publication:

"I have been thinking… (LXXXVI) by Alberto Reyes Pías"

I have been thinking about what to say to those who govern my country.

Many people have asked our rulers to do something to get Cuba out of the widespread crisis it is facing. I still think I am a voice in the wilderness, but I am a voice, and from this desert where it seems that no one listens, I also want to direct my voice today to those who govern this island.

I cannot predict how my words will be interpreted, but I want to say them with total serenity. My words are not a shout of violence, they are not an aggressive outburst. They are simply the expression of my deepest and calmest feelings, and from there I want to say just this: Please, leave, just leave.

You are not going to revive this country, you are not going to remedy the lack of fuel, nor the precariousness of the thermoelectric plants, nor are you going to give us back a life without continuous blackouts.

You are not going to solve the hunger of this people, nor are you going to make the days stop being a continuous struggle for survival. You are not going to solve the monetary issue, nor inflation, nor the miserable life of the people.

You will never guarantee the health of the population, nor access to the necessary medications. You are not capable of preventing the deterioration of chronic patients, nor the deaths due to the shortage of basic supplies.

You cannot repair the educational damage of this land, the deterioration of the educational system, the lack of competent teachers, and in many cases, not even the lack of teachers.

Facebook capture / Alberto Reyes

You are not capable of stopping the galloping and unstoppable emigration of this people; you cannot prevent Cuba from continuing to be an island in flight, leaving behind the loss of its youth and the aging of the country, family separations with wounds that will never heal, the loneliness of parents and grandparents, the loss of those who could have built a prosperous country here.

You will no longer be the sign of hope, of the desirable future, of the illusion that leads to giving one's life.

And they cannot, because they no longer have a national project. Anchored in the control of power, they have turned this island into a ship without a course, where no one knows where it is going, where life is increasingly uncertain, where everything is extinguished and dies.

That's why, please leave, take everything you want, and abandon this country forever.

And do it before, somehow, things change and they can be judged, accused of crimes against humanity, because what they have done and are doing to this people is a silent genocide.

Leave, before this town reaches the end of its patience and rises with uncontrollable fury, consuming the end of this system by sweeping away everything in its path with blood and fire.

Because each day without light, without water, without food, each day with the children's food going bad, with the omnipresent scarcity and broken yearning for freedom, is a call that you make to the most blind and unmeasured violence.

"I beg you, leave. Live wherever you want and can, so that we can also live."

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