Cuban priest Alberto Reyes: "A change does not come alone, nor can it be left to time."

"If instead of hiding the truth of what we experience we decide to speak openly, we will generate an environment of civic honesty and prevent the impunity of those who lie."

Sacerdote cubano Alberto Reyes © Alberto Reyes / Facebook
Cuban priest Alberto ReyesPhoto © Alberto Reyes / Facebook

The Cuban priest Alberto Reyes, from the diocese of Camagüey, called on his compatriots to fight for a definitive change in the country, but he reminded them that it does not come alone or with the passage of time.

Reyes, known for his openly critical stance against the regime, urged Cubans to do everything they can to foster an environment of civic honesty and prevent the impunity of those who lie.

In a text shared on his Facebook profile, he asked that each person, from their own little piece (parents educating their children, those belonging to the judicial system, business owners, or military personnel), do whatever it takes to defend the truth and fight for justice.

Next, CiberCuba shares the complete text of the publication:

"I have been thinking… (LXXXIV) by Alberto Reyes Pías"

I have been thinking about the need to stop and think.

Once I had a teacher who used to tell us: 'Before taking a test, first stop, think, and then respond.' I think it is a wise attitude, but not just in front of a test, but in any response we must give to life, because our answers build our life.

Many people on the island wish for a change in the political and social system in which we live, but that change depends, in part, on our responses, on what we do, and that is why we need to think before we act.

To think that instead of hiding or masking the truth of what we live, we decide to be clear and speak openly, will generate an atmosphere of civic honesty, prevent the impunity of those who lie, and we will all be better off.

To think that if we do not provide complicit answers, if we do not attend the demonstrations of revolutionary reaffirmation, nor the combative marches, nor all the meetings with predetermined responses, and instead decide to stay home, defying the threats from the school or workplace, we will be expressing our will from silence, and we will all be better off.

To think that if we teach our children to express themselves from the truth of what they feel and to defend everything that is good, noble, and just, we will be creating generations capable of healing decades of duplicity and falsehood, and we will all be better off.

To think that if you belong to the judicial system and are able to defend the innocent and not condemn those who are prosecuted for exercising their rights, you will be helping to cleanse the justice system and restore the rule of law that protects the common citizen, including yourself, and we will all be better off.

Facebook capture / Alberto Reyes

To think that if you have a private business and you are doing well, and even at the risk of 'having problems' you side with the poor who demand their rights, and you do not turn a 'blind eye' to injustice and lies, you will be helping to build a society capable of protecting itself and protecting you, and we will all be better off.

To think that if you belong to the military sphere and are capable of protecting the citizen who demands their rights, and do not lend yourself to repressing those who ask for change and freedom, you will be true to your uniform, you will be part of the path towards democracy, and we will all be better off.

To think that if you believe in Jesus Christ and want to be faithful to His Gospel, you cannot reduce your faith to prayer and charity, but also, wherever you are, it is your duty to defend the truth and fight for justice, and in this way, we will all be better off.

"To think that change does not come on its own, nor can it be left to mere time, but rather that it happens when we help each other, and together we build our dream, the dream of a country of freedom, justice, truth, and prosperity that allows everyone to be better."

What do you think?


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