Cuban from Tampa, stroke survivor, on El Taiger: "I was a miracle from God, but he needs to be one."

Cuban woman who survived a coma asks for time and faith for the recovery of reggaeton artist El Taiger in critical condition.

Arianna Hernández, the young Cuban mother from Tampa who survived a coma after suffering several strokes, shared her opinion on the delicate health condition of the Cuban reggaeton artist El Taiger, who is hospitalized after having received a gunshot wound to the head.

During an Instagram live, this Cuban - affectionately known as La China - shared her personal experience and expressed her disagreement with the possibility of disconnecting the artist, arguing that time should be given for recovery.

"I want to talk about what happened to Taiger to say that they shouldn't disconnect him, because something similar happened to me. They wanted to disconnect me and finally they did, but I was lucky enough to keep living. I think he can't have brain death," expressed Arianna, recalling the doctors' prognosis and questioning whether the Cuban singer has brain death. "They told me I would end up like a vegetable, and I lived and I'm fine. I recovered pretty quickly," she added, using her example.

"He is going to live, he is not going to stay like this. They need to give him his space. How are they going to disconnect him when they don't even know what he has? Look at me, I'm doing fine. I didn't end up like they said I was going to end up. I'm doing quite well," he insisted, showing optimism about the singer's condition.

The young mother, who is now at home with her son after recovery, pointed out that diagnoses are not always definitive and that El Taiger deserves a chance to fight for his life. "He has his family, his daughters, reasons to fight for. He is a good person who deserves to live, but they need to give him time," she added.

Arianna mentioned that in her own case, they told her that she had brain death and would not survive, but miraculously she recovered. "God is great and they will help him. I was a miracle of God, but he also has to be," she concluded.

During the live stream, the young Cuban spoke about the difficult months she went through and asked people to pray for the Cuban singer. "He is going to recover. I was an example, I am doing quite well. Little by little he will recover and move forward," said Arianna.

In light of her testimony, many Cubans recalled that she herself is a reminder that miracles do exist. "That's right, you are a living example of that; as long as there is life, there is hope, and José Manuel Carvajal will live" or "A living example that miracles do exist," they told Arianna.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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