Eduardo Antonio lashes out at Otaola after the influencer's controversial remarks about El Taiger.

El Divo de Placetas dedicated harsh words to the influencer, questioning who he is to continue harming Cuban artists.

  • CiberCuba Writing

Cuban singer Eduardo Antonio fiercely criticized Alexander Otaola, questioning him for his controversial comments about the possible consequences El Taiger might face after being shot in the head.

"Who do you think you are? You are a decoration from the last rows. You are not front row; you are a man who has no values or feelings," the Divo began to say in a video in which he took the opportunity to recall that Otaola had already made inappropriate comments when he, Eduardo Antonio, was seriously ill a few months ago.

"Who are you to opine on what the public, your followers, or the Cubans want to do? This has become general because we are not talking about the actions and the way of being and the behavior of someone; we are talking about the life of a human being who, unlike you, is very much loved, and that is your great pain," added the singer.

Eduardo Antonio reminded Otaola that he was unable to finish off El Taiger despite boycotting his concerts and launching unpleasant campaigns to destroy him.

"As you've wanted to do with all Cuban artists, to you we are not worth a peso. You are spiteful. You don't even care for your own, and in life, one must have codes and principles, and you do not have them," she pointed out.

"You couldn't finish him off, and that is your pain, just as you can't finish me off or many others, because you are not an artist, you are an influencer who, at one point, was clever and quick, but lies have short legs and come to light. You are not clear, nor are you straightforward, nor are you perfect," she added.

Although he did not directly refer to the recent interview that Otaola conducted with a former employee of the Divo de Placetas, who revealed intimate details about the singer, Eduardo Antonio questioned who the influencer is to investigate and intrude into other people's lives.

The singer from Villa Clara reproached Otaola for not considering the difficult ordeal that El Taiger's family is going through.

"Who is who to analyze El Taiger's behavior now? What matters is that he gets through this. Later, we will all be the best people to help him move forward. We've all had bumps in life, and you more than anyone. You have a glass roof, my son. Enough already. Don't earn more hatred from people," he insisted.

He also asserted that Otaola could not be mayor because, without being one, he causes so much harm that it's impossible to imagine what he would be capable of if he had power.

"You cannot be mayor because God gives abundantly, but He knows to whom He gives. He could not give it to you because you, being nobody, already want to hurt, mistreat, drag down, humiliate people. Imagine if they gave you power. The only power you have is those cameras that follow you and that team that doesn’t read the comments and doesn’t tell you 'land'.

He said that although he remained silent about everything that was said about him recently, because he doesn't want to give it more attention, after the outburst regarding El Taiger, someone who cannot defend himself, he couldn't hold back.

"He is popular, he is loved, he is adored, he is an artist, he is a star in his genre, and here is the result. You can't cover the sun with a finger [...] Who are you, who arrived the other day, to talk about people's lives as if you were a good person or perfect? You are not perfect and you know it. Reinvent yourself, change the tone. Leave the world in peace, you have no life. You are afraid to go out because you have sown so much poison and so much hate that you are scared. Build yourself a house in the North Pole, where no one can reach you," he lashed out.

Finally, after concluding that the comment about El Taiger was "very disastrous" and of "low quality," he urged the "confused" artists who still follow that "spawn of the devil" to open their eyes.

Alexander Otaola's comments amid El Taiger's serious condition, after being the victim of a gunshot to the head last Thursday, have caused a wave of outrage on social media.

"If El Taiger survives, which we hope he does, right? So that all those sending him good vibes can receive that blessing, it is necessary for them to know that he will have special needs," Otaola said in one of his programs while referring to the reggaeton artist's health status and the support he is receiving.

Next, the controversial candidate for former mayor of Miami added in a tone that many found dismissive and lacking in humanity: "You will have to help change the diaper, feed him, clean him, perfume him, take him for a walk, so I hope that all of you are willing, in case El Taiger can get through this, to take turns with El Taiger for one month in each of your homes."

In addition to Eduardo Antonio, other artists such as singers El Micha and Seidy La Niña, and comedian Ariel Mancebo, have condemned Otaola's words.

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