Surveillance cameras capture unusual theft of cushions in a home in Havana.

The thief couldn't steal the furniture set, but that didn't stop him from taking the cushions.

A security camera installed in a private home in Havana recorded the unusual theft of some cushions, happening in the early morning with the entrance fully lit.

Facebook user Michel Bonora shared the video on his social media and requested collaboration from anyone who may have information about this theft case in the Cuban capital.

"On Wednesday, around 1:00 am, a scoundrel entered the porch and stole some cushions. If anyone knows him, please message me," said Bonora.

The scarcity hits the Cubans, but the theft of the cushions is not out of necessity or for their resale value; it's something that borders on wickedness, the absurd, and the nonsensical.

The thief walked down the street, jumped over the fence to steal, and began to explore what he could take. He couldn't carry the furniture from the porch, so he took the cushions without remorse, leaving the set incomplete.

Criminals are jumping over fences in the houses of Havana and in other cities in Cuba to steal anything, from fruits like soursop or mangoes, to furniture, pots, and garden trees.

Police control in residential neighborhoods is nonexistent, and homeowners, even if they install security cameras, are unable to curb crime.

Thieves do not fear being recorded, as the penalties for this type of crime are very low in the country, and even non-existent.

However, posting a criticism of the government in a Facebook post can mean a fine of thousands of pesos and even going to jail.

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