Cubans protest in Holguín over massive blackouts.

Now that the accountability meetings are taking place in Cuba, will the deputies Roberto Alejandro García Reyes and Leticia Toledo Hernández, both representatives elected by the municipality of Báguanos, account to the irate public?

The massive blackouts that have affected the lives of Cubans for years, to varying degrees, are reaching unprecedented levels these days, provoking outrage and expressions of protest from the population, like the one that took place this Tuesday in Báguanos, Holguín.

Images and testimonies shared via social media reported on the demonstration by a group of residents in that Holguin locality, who took to the streets to protest against the power outages and demand the restoration of the electricity supply after more than 12 hours of daily interruption, as acknowledged on Facebook by the Electric Company of the province itself.

At the shout of "We want electricity!", dozens of residents of Báguanos gathered at Parque La Madre, where they demanded that a municipal authority appear to explain the situation and commit to finding a solution for those affected.

Posts in the Facebook group 'Revolico Báguano' provided testimony of the protests. In one of them, a user compared the energy situation in Havana with that of the rest of the country and concluded that it was better because the people of Havana "had taken to the streets."

"It has been demonstrated that we have to take to the streets for them to provide us with electricity," he insisted.

Screenshot Facebook / Revolico Báguano

Another user protested because the administrators of the Facebook group had deleted posts with testimonies from the protests in Báguano, and she called for solidarity from government leaders who had expressed support for the Palestinian people in Havana.

"Let them ask for help for us, as we are dying from diseases, and many from hunger. And more with the mess of the electricity," he pointed out.

The protest by the residents of Báguanos was the subject of discussion in the Facebook group 'Revolico Antilla', where everyone was encouraged to follow the example of the people of Báguanos.

Screenshot Facebook / Revolico Báguano

"My people, the power was cut off here because they say that in Báguanos they took to the streets. So I ask, what are we waiting for? We are the laughingstock of the province. Up with Antilla, it's time to wake up. Most of us have no gas and even less electricity to eat, cook, and not to mention the food that is spoiling due to lack of refrigeration. How much longer are we going to stay silent and submissive? It's time to stand up!" said an anonymous user.

The residents of Báguanos demanded an end to the blackouts and for the authorities to face their voters.

The question is, now that the accountability meetings of the delegates to the National Assembly of People's Power (ANPP) are being held in Cuba with their voters, will the representatives Roberto Alejandro García Reyes and Leticia Toledo Hernández, both elected representatives from the municipality of Báguanos, be accountable to the irritated people?

What do you think?


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