Flor de Cuba stops editing its photos: "It not only harms me but also those who seek unrealistic role models."

After criticizing beauty stereotypes, Flor de Cuba abandons filters on social media.

After criticizing the social pressure that women face regarding their bodies, especially after motherhood, Flor de Cuba has decided to stop using filters and editing her photos to show herself naturally on her social media.

The Cuban influencer recently shared a video that quickly went viral, in which she questions the unrealistic expectations imposed on women, noting how they are required to have a perfect yet "real" image. In the same video, Flor mentioned receiving criticism about her nose and even suggestions to undergo surgery, something she is not willing to do. She also addressed comments about her stretch marks, which she displayed openly in the video.

Determined to be true to herself, Flor has taken a step further after launching this plea in favor of real beauty and is no longer editing her photos.

Alongside a post she shared on Instagram with her photos, she expressed: "I am enjoying this thing of no longer editing photos. I believe it not only affects me but also those who seek unrealistic role models on screens."

Additionally, he announced that he is following a diet and will start training at the gym, committing to keep his followers informed about his progress.

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Izabela Pecherska

CiberCuba editor. Graduated in Journalism from King Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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