Cuban activist Adelth Bonne Gamboa shared a message on social media this Sunday, expressing his distress after more than 52 hours without electricity due to the collapse of the National Electric System.
"52 hours without power and it still hasn't returned; all my food has spoiled, and I have a single nerve left," Bonne pointed out on Facebook, reflecting the sentiment of thousands of Cubans who remain without electricity after the collapse of the national energy system last Friday.
Bonne expressed her deep concern over the losses caused by the prolonged blackout: “I only think about my battery running out, my nerves wearing thin, and, above all, I don’t know how I'll recover from all my losses,” she noted, emphasizing how difficult it is today to maintain a minimum supply of refrigerated food due to the high prices driven by inflation.
The young man also noted that every hour, a patrol stops in front of his house and sounds its siren: “My neighbors run to warn me; they have been keeping an eye out, but I can hear them from my house,” said the activist, who has been a victim of harassment by the Cuban political police on several occasions.
In a later post, Bonne showed his refrigerator wide open, expressing his frustration over the lack of electricity: "At this point, they might as well not turn it back on; there's nothing that can be salvaged. A big hug to all the Cubans who are in the same situation as me. Stay strong!"
Although the regime announced the gradual restoration of service in Havana, only about thirty circuits were operational by noon this Sunday, primarily in the municipalities of Guanabacoa, Boyeros, San Miguel del Padrón, and Cotorro, reported the Havana Electric Company on Facebook.
The serious situation facing the country, due to the imminent passage of Hurricane Oscar through the eastern region and the efforts to restore the national electrical system, which has been completely collapsed since last Friday, prompted the Cuban government to announce on Sunday the suspension of all non-essential administrative and educational activities for the next three days.
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