Haydée Milanés: "Cuba does not deserve what it is living through."

The artist, daughter of the legendary troubadour Pablo Milanés, lamented that many people go to bed without eating and that medical care in public hospitals is precarious, among other sensitive topics.

Haydée Milanés © Facebook/Haydée Milanés/Cibercuba
Haydée MilanésPhoto © Facebook/Haydée Milanés/Cibercuba

The Cuban singer-songwriter Haydée Milanés sent a powerful and emotional message this Sunday about the serious situation that her country is facing, denouncing the ineffectiveness and indifference of the communist regime that, according to her words, only seeks to maintain absolute power at the expense of the suffering of the island's people.

"There are no words to describe how bad Cuba is," Milanés expressed on his Facebook profile, referring to the problems plaguing the Caribbean nation, such as food shortages, the collapse of the healthcare system, and the energy crisis.

Facebook post/Haydée Milanés

The artist, daughter of the legendary troubadour Pablo Milanés, lamented that many people go to bed without eating and that medical attention in public hospitals is precarious, to the point that many lives are lost due to the lack of proper care.

He also criticized that the leaders do not use the same health services nor send their children to the same schools as the people.

In addition, Milanés denounced the neglect in which many people who dedicated their lives to the revolutionary project live, now receiving insufficient pensions that do not allow them to cover basic needs.

He pointed out that social class differences in Cuba are becoming increasingly evident and questioned the lack of accountability for those responsible for the current situation.

The singer also referred to the more than 1,100 political prisoners in the country and how those who denounce injustices are persecuted, monitored, and in many cases, exiled.

"Cuba is not a happy country," he concluded, emphasizing that the island does not deserve the pain and despair it is experiencing due to the management of its leaders.

The regime announced this Sunday the suspension of all non-essential administrative and teaching activities for the next three days, due to the imminent passage of Hurricane Oscar through the eastern part of the country and the work to restore the national electrical system, which has been completely collapsed since last Friday.

In a brief statement published on the official website and social media of the Presidency of Cuba, the government announced the decision to suspend both non-essential administrative activities and teaching on Monday, October 21, Tuesday, October 22, and Wednesday, October 23, and to "maintain vital services for the population."

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