Haydée Milanés reunites with siblings in Spain: "One of the most beautiful and longed-for moments."

Along with several photos of her family, the Cuban singer shared a lovely message on Instagram expressing her feelings following this reunion.

Haydée Milanés junto a sus hermanos © Instagram / Haydée Milanés
Haydée Milanés with her siblings.Photo © Instagram / Haydée Milanés

Haydée Milanés reunited with her siblings in Spain, a moment she had longed for immensely and that finally came to fruition, especially as she got to embrace Rosa and Pablo, the youngest ones.

Along with several photos of her family, the Cuban singer shared a lovely message on Instagram summarizing her feelings after this reunion.

"From my visit to Spain, one of the most beautiful and anticipated moments was reuniting with my dear little siblings Rosa Milanés and Pablo, whom I was eager to hug and hold, even though they are no longer children; they are now young adults growing taller and maturing every day. They are the children of Nancy Pérez Rey, a remarkable woman who has been like a mother to me, and with whom I had been wanting to share a long and heartfelt embrace,” wrote the artist.

During her visit to the Iberian country, Haydée also spent time with her maternal family, including her aunt and cousins, and social media bore witness to their hugs.

Although the artist resides in Miami, Spain holds many meanings for her, especially because her father, Pablo Milanés, lived there until his death.

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Deneb González

Editor for CiberCuba Entertainment

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Deneb González

Deneb González

Editor at CiberCuba Entertainment