Cubans are dancing in the streets of Canada to the rhythm of Los 4's reguetón song "Bótate."

Cubans in Canada are making waves on TikTok with a street party to the rhythm of Los 4's reggaeton. Their spontaneous and joyful dancing highlights the energy and culture of Cuba, going viral on social media.

A group of Cubans has surprised social media by throwing an impromptu nighttime party on a street in Canada to the rhythm of Cuban reggaeton.

In a TikTok video that has gone viral, three young Cubans are seen enjoying and dancing to the hit "Eso está bueno" by the popular group Los 4, eliciting laughter, applause, and the attention of onlookers around them.

The scene, captured by user @yidancing89 on the popular short video platform, shows the three Cubans setting aside the Canadian cold and immersing themselves completely in the music.

With synchronized steps and infectious energy, they transformed a corner of the city into an authentic Caribbean dance floor, bringing a piece of Cuba to the streets of Canada.

The scene not only highlights the energy and joy with which Cubans live their music but also illustrates how Cuban culture expands and comes to life beyond the Island.

For many users on social media, these types of videos serve as a reminder of the joy, resilience, and festive spirit that define the Cuban community in every corner of the world.

"That's how we Cubans are, heating things up wherever we go," "How delicious," or "I'll join next time," are some of the comments left by others for the Cubans in the post.

The music of Los 4, which blends reggaeton with Cuban rhythms, has gained popularity both within and outside of Cuba. This type of representation showcases how emigrants keep the essence of their homeland alive through their traditions and art.

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Yare Grau

Originally from Cuba, but living in Spain. I studied Social Communication at the University of Havana and later graduated in Audiovisual Communication from the University of Valencia. I currently work as a writer in the Entertainment section of CiberCuba.

Do you have anything to report? Write to CiberCuba: +1 786 396 5689

Yare Grau

Yare Grau

Originally from Cuba, I currently live in Spain. I studied Social Communication at the University of Havana and later graduated with a degree in Audiovisual Communication from the University of Valencia. I am now part of the CiberCuba team as a writer in the Entertainment section.