A young Cuban woman living in Barcelona responded on TikTok to a question she says people frequently ask her: “Do you think it's better to be with a Spaniard than with a Cuban?” Her answer left no one indifferent.
In a video uploaded online, the young woman named Blanca de Dios began by stating that everything she was about to share was from her personal experience, and she explained why she feels her current relationship with a Spaniard is much better than those she had in Cuba. "My relationships with Cuban boyfriends were extremely toxic," she admitted, detailing how it is common in her country to check a partner's phone, monitor where they go, and constantly fear infidelity.
She also noted that in Cuba, she had normalized that kind of relationship until she arrived in Spain and met her current partner, Alberto, who taught her what a healthy relationship looks like. “With Alberto, I can go to bed feeling at ease; he can go out with his friends, and I don’t worry about whether he’s with someone else. He doesn’t check my phone, nor do I feel the need to check his,” she asserted. @la_de_dios also acknowledged that she used to be “a toxic maniac” and that she had learned to relate to others in a more mature way.
His video went viral in the comments, generating opinions of all kinds. Many women related to it and shared similar experiences. “Team, I’m sticking with my Spaniard, haha, and I’m almost 24”; “I’m also sticking with my Spaniard”; “It’s a whole different vibe, girl”; “Having a healthy relationship is non-negotiable,” commented several users, some mentioning that they are now happily in relationships with Spaniards, Italians, or Europeans in general.
However, there were also opinions that questioned the generalizations. "Toxicity has no passport"; "Well, I am Cuban and I've never had such toxic relationships; maybe you just met the wrong people"; "I don't trust any of them, neither Cuban nor European," said other users.
Blanca did not remain silent and responded respectfully to those who disagreed, clarifying that she was not speaking about all Cubans, but rather about a way of relating that she learned in her environment in Cuba and considers unhealthy. "I could never go out partying with my friends while I had a boyfriend, and the password for my phone was shared," she stated.
The conversation remains open and appears to address a topic that many people, especially in the Cuban community, are very aware of: the cultural differences in relationships and how these impact daily life.
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