A young Cuban residing in Mexico shared on social media his experience searching for malt beverages, which he longed for from his homeland and, surprisingly, can be found easily in Mexico, while in Cuba, it has not been available in stores for years.
Michel Crónicas, who posted the video on TikTok (@michelcronicas), explained that he was at the Medellín Market in Mexico City, where he discovered Bucanero malt, a 100% Cuban drink that he claims he hasn’t seen in Cuba for years.
The beverage, produced in Holguín, is priced at 85 Mexican pesos in that market, something that Michel noted with surprise, as he stated that in Cuba it can only be found in some hotels and in small and medium-sized enterprises (mipymes).
The partner of the Cuban TikToker, who is also a fan of malt beverages, recalled the difficulties they faced during their vacation in Cuba in finding this national drink, which is often replaced by imported malts.
The video ends with Michel enjoying the drink, reflecting on how Cuban products that are no longer available on the island can be easily found in Mexico.
"Here, at the Medellín market, there are Cuban products that no longer exist in Cuba," he said.
And while Bucanero malt is not available in Cuba, the regime is promoting a new product.
Recently, the state-run CARIBE Store Chain announced the launch of the new Malta "Guajira", a product from Cervecería Cubana S.A., designed to delight taste buds with its "authentic and refreshing flavor."
Malta Guajira is available in 500 ml bottles and can now be found at the 3rd and 70 Shopping Center, located in Playa, Havana, for a price of $0.70 MLC, the entity announced in a Facebook post.
However, social media is flooded with posts showcasing Cuban products being sold in other countries, including the United States.
For example, canned products from the Conchita brand and Hatuey and Bucanero malts are sold in a supermarket in the city of Louisville, Kentucky.
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