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Almost a month after his disappearance, the family of Heriberto Llánez García, who resides in Morón, Ciego de Ávila, continues to plead for any information that could help locate him.
Yamilka Llánez Villanueva expressed her sadness on Facebook as she remembered the disappearance of her father: “Tomorrow will mark a month since my dad, Heriberto Llánez García, left home and has not been seen. We are from Morón.”

He also asked for help from the community: “Please, continue to assist me as you have been. We have no way to thank so many good people who write to me and send me photos, but there’s still nothing. If you see him, take a picture and call 53156657. Thank you.”
A few days ago, Llánez shared on his Facebook wall that a young man from Minas, Camagüey, thought he had seen him and promised to try to find him to take a picture and send it to him.
"The police here told me that I have to wait until tomorrow to meet with him. Today marks 22 days," he specified on that occasion.
The woman has repeatedly requested that anyone who believes they have seen her father take a photograph and send it to her to verify it’s him. There have been times when they were notified that the elder was in a certain location, and upon going to find him, it turned out not to be him.
Llánez has insisted several times that his father is not insane. When leaving his house, he did not take any documents or his phone with him.
"Some call him Llánez and others call him Iñe. We still haven't found him. If you see him, please hold him and send a photo," he requested.
Recently, the family of Mercedes, a woman who has been missing for about a month in the town of San Germán, Urbano Noris municipality, Holguín, requested assistance in locating her.
Mercedes, who suffers from dementia, lives in the Calera 3 neighborhood, as detailed by her sister Maricela Acosta in a social media post this Monday, where she appealed to the community's solidarity to help find her.
Frequently Asked Questions about the Disappearance of Heriberto Llánez in Cuba
Who is Heriberto Llánez and how long has he been missing?
Heriberto Llánez García is an elderly man from Morón, Ciego de Ávila, who has been missing since November 11, 2024. His family has been searching for him tirelessly, and his disappearance has been widely publicized on social media by his daughter, Yamilka Llánez Villanueva.
What actions have Heriberto's family taken to find him?
Heriberto's family has mainly used social media to seek help and spread awareness about his disappearance. His daughter has encouraged the community to detain him if anyone spots him and take a photo to confirm his identity. Additionally, they have offered a reward to incentivize his recovery.
What has been the Police's response to the disappearance of Heriberto Llánez?
So far, the police have stated that they do not have enough resources to launch an official search for the elderly man, Heriberto Llánez. This has left the family relying on community solidarity and their own efforts to try to locate him.
How was Heriberto Llánez described at the time of his disappearance?
Heriberto was last seen wearing a blue shirt, gray or tan pants, a black cap, and a white bag. He did not have any documents or a phone with him. His family has provided this description to assist in his identification.
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