Cuban comedian Leo Maraca welcomes his daughter in the United States: "Thank God"

Cuqui la Mora, Andy Vázquez, Yerlin Pérez, and Gelliset Valdés congratulated Maraca for being able to bring his daughter Lia with him.

Cuban comedian Leonardo Santiesteban, who gained popularity for his character, the elderly Maraca, has recently welcomed his daughter Lia to the United States.

An emotional video shared on Instagram shows the teenager's welcome at the airport, where father and daughter embraced in a long hug.

"Thank God for the gift; thank you, Lord," expressed the comedian, who couldn't hold back the tears.

Several of Leo's colleagues congratulated him for being able to bring his daughter along.

"I'm so glad," said Cuqui la Mora.

"Congratulations, my brother! What a Christmas!" remarked Andy Vázquez.

"Lía is already a little lady, how lovely! Congratulations. Your little girl is now with you! Blessings," commented Yerlin Pérez.

"What happiness, darling! The greatest gift in the world is having those little ones close to us!" emphasized Gelliset Valdés.

Santiesteban is remembered by Cuban viewers for his characters, the young Pepitín and the elderly Maraca, in the program "Deja que yo te cuente." With Maraca, he went on to appear in several episodes of the popular show "Vivir del Cuento."

He is one of the many Cuban comedians who have emigrated to the United States in recent years.

In January of this year, he called "fools" those who failed to understand a sketch by the old man Maraca, in which he expressed a desire to return to Cuba because the United States was not a country for old people. They judged him without realizing that these were arguments spoken by a character and not his personal views.

"Sir, it's the character, not the actor; you need to analyze before commenting or speaking," he insisted.

"I am, thank God, doing very well in the United States. Things are going well for me. I'm working in what I enjoy and in what I know how to do. I'm at peace," he emphasized.

In Miami, Leonardo joined Univista TV for the series "The Sons of Putin," playing the role of Raúl Castro.

This year, he joined the cast of the comedy "La Habana en Hialeah," alongside Gelliset Valdés, Irela Bravo, Omar Franco, and Yasbell Rodríguez.

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CiberCuba Editorial Team

A team of journalists dedicated to reporting on current events in Cuba and topics of global interest. At CiberCuba, we strive to provide accurate news and critical analysis.