Father kidnaps his children after a vacation and refuses to return them to their Cuban mother in Mexico

The children disappeared on July 20th.

Niños desaparecidos © Facebook
Missing childrenPhoto © Facebook

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A Cuban mother in Mexico has sought help to recover her children, who were kidnapped by their father following a vacation in the tourist area of Chetumal, Quintana Roo, on July 20.

"My children are missing; I don't know where they are, and I haven't been able to contact them. I am devastated and ask everyone who can help spread this message to do so. The relevant authorities have already been informed, but any information would be greatly appreciated," shared the mother, identified on Facebook as Fer Mill, who is of Cuban-Mexican descent.

The Mexican Prosecutor's Office issued amber alerts to locate the two children, aged 10 and 12, who have been missing since July.

The incident took place in Chetumal, Quintana Roo, where the children went on vacation with their paternal family.

Facebook post

"He has hidden from us, blocked our phones, and prevents us from seeing them. Despite having several court orders to return them, he decides not to. It's something I never thought we would experience, and it's a sad surprise to know that the father of my beloved nephews and his family are capable and complicit in what is happening..." she reported.

The activist Marta María Ramírez from the Alas Tensas Gender Observatory (OGAT) stated that in this case, "there is not only vicarious violence but also violence against children."

He also demanded that the Morelos Prosecutor's Office enforce the Amber Alerts issued and that the Cuban authorities, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Cuban Embassy in Mexico, assist the woman "in the safe recovery of both children."

Frequently Asked Questions about the kidnapping of a Cuban mother's children in Mexico

What happened to the children of the Cuban mother in Mexico?

The children were kidnapped by their father after a vacation in Cuernavaca, Morelos. Despite court orders, the father refuses to return them and is blocking all contact with the mother.

What measures have been taken to locate the abducted children?

The Mexican Prosecutor's Office has issued Amber alerts to locate the children aged 10 and 12, who have been missing since July. International cooperation is being requested from the Cuban Foreign Ministry and its Embassy in Mexico to assist the mother in the search.

What is vicarious violence in the context of child abduction?

Vicarious violence refers to the harm inflicted on a person through the suffering of their loved ones. In this case, activist Marta María Ramírez points out that there is not only vicarious violence, but also violence against children, emphasizing the emotional and physical impact experienced by both the children and the mother.

How can we help in the search for the kidnapped children?

Anyone with information about the whereabouts of the children is urged to reach out to the relevant authorities. Sharing the alert on social media is encouraged to increase visibility of the case and facilitate community collaboration in their location.

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CiberCuba Editorial Team

A team of journalists dedicated to reporting on current events in Cuba and global issues. At CiberCuba, we strive to provide accurate news and critical analysis.