A Cuban woman who had been missing in Mexico has been located

The woman had last been seen in the city of Cancun.


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The Attorney General's Office of Quintana Roo, Mexico, has called off the search for Imilsis María Arjona Medina, a 34-year-old Cuban who had been missing for several days.

A brief post stated that the Cuban-born citizen had been "located," but it did not provide any details regarding the circumstances of the discovery.

Arjona Medina was last seen in the city of Cancún on Thursday, December 19, but no further details about the location or circumstances of her disappearance have emerged.

The case had been classified under the parameters of the National Missing Persons Search System, according to which a "missing person" is someone whose whereabouts are unknown without any signs of a crime having been committed.

The immigration status of Imilsis María Arjona did not appear in any report. It was not specified whether she is a Cuban resident in Mexico, if she is in transit to the United States, or if she simply traveled for tourism to Cancun.

The Cuban migration crisis has led to an increase in cases of kidnappings of Cubans in Mexico. Criminal groups are exploiting this route to demand ransom from the families of immigrants in the United States.

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