The long-awaited video clip of the song Dura of the Puerto Rican singer Daddy Yankee It has just been released.
The audiovisual material was filmed in the city of Los Angeles under the direction of the also Puerto Rican Carlos perez, the same one who gave life to the clip of Slowly, success in Yankee He was also the protagonist along with his countryman, Luis Fonsi.
As to Dura, with this simple “El Boss” makes a twist on its beginnings within the urban genre, presenting a song with reggaeton rhythms that recall other successes of the artist such as his legendary Gasoline O What happened happened.
Just hours after its launch in YouTube, Dura It already exceeds the exorbitant figure of more than 1 million views, thus becoming number 8 in the position of most videos trendy globally on the digital platform.
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