Former Major League Baseball Erisbel Arruebarruena trains with Matanzas for the 59th National Baseball Series

Arruebarruena's skills at shortstop earned him comparisons to Germán Mesa.

Erisbel Arruebarruena © ACN
Erisbel Arruebarruena Photo © ACN

This article is from 4 years ago

Erisbel Arruebarruena, stellar shortstop from Cienfuegos and former Major League player, trained this Tuesday, according to an ACN report, with the Matanzas preselection, so, if the paperwork does not prevent it, he will play with the Crocodiles in the next season of the National Baseball Series, number 59.

He would be the first Cuban former Major League Baseball player to play in a season on the island, after Riquimbili Betancourt did so with Santa Clara in the last Villa Clara Provincial Series.

With magical hands, Arruebarruena played with Cienfuegos before leaving Cuba, and then was a member of the Los Angeles Dodgers until last year.

With a short time in the Majors, 22 games in 2014, Arruebarruena returns to Cuba to give him some hands and trips to the National Series only comparable, perhaps, to those of Germán Mesa.

Matanzas has already agreed to have it, and all that remains is to complete the repatriation procedures.

In an interview with ACN, Arruebarruena assured that it was always a dream for him to play with the Crocodiles, although he did not clarify why he is not opting for a place with Cienfuegos.

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