The Ministry of Energy and Mines of Cuba reported the arrival this Wednesday morning at theHavana Bay of a floating power plant of 240 MW of power.
The entity published on Twitter that the arrival of the Turkish floating plant - the eighth of its type installed in Cuba - is"to support the generation of electricity in the country."
"Entering now through the bay of #Havana We do not stop, much less give up. #Cuba and its will to continue winning"wrote Aylín Álvarez, First Secretary of the National Committee of the UJC, on the aforementioned social network, who echoed the arrival.
On social networks and Facebook groups, several Internet users have echoed the arrival of the floating power plant, which has changed the image of the Havana port.

"May it be for good", the moderator of the Photos of Havana group wrote on Facebook.
The arrival of the seventh floating power plant - in this case 110 megawatts of power -It was in November of last year. At the beginning of December that plantsynchronized the first three engines to the National Electro-energy System (SEN).
Floating power plants - designed on a boat to which motors are placed -They have operated in Cuba since 2019 and are the result of an agreement between the island and the Turkish company Karadeniz Holding.
Cuba became the first nation in the area to receive electricity in this way. Mobile generation is among the lines of work of the Electrical Union (UNE) to recover the National Electroenergy System.
The Cuban Government is urged to increase electricity generation capacity to cover demand, limited for several months by a deficit in generation capacity, which caused blackouts throughout the country, mainly in the second half of 2022. .
At the national level, blackouts due to a deficit in generation capacity have been reduced since December. However, the Minister of Energy and Mines announced thatFrom February to mid-May, impacts are estimated in the electrical service during peak night hours, due to the increase in maintenance work in the main thermal generation units in the country.
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