State Security summons Catholic activist Dagoberto Valdés

This is not the first time that Valdés Hernández has been interrogated for his activities or has suffered other types of repression, such as being besieged in his home by members of the Ministry of the Interior (MININT).

Dagoberto Valdés en una conferencia en la Ermita de la Caridad, de Maimi © Facebook / Meyrices Triana
Dagoberto Valdés in a conference at the Ermita de la Caridad, in Maimi Photo © Facebook / Meyrices Triana

This article is from 1 year ago

The Catholic activist Dagoberto Valdes Hernandez, founder of the Center for Coexistence Studies (CEC), was summoned by the State Security of Pinar del Río for interrogation this Wednesday.

"They told me that it was an official warning because the Danish journalist Øjvind Kyrø, who interviewed me more than 15 years ago in Vitral, and who stopped by my house two months ago, was organizing sessions with 16 people to learn more. of Cuba," explained Valdés Hernández after leaving the police station.

There he learned that the foreigner claimed that the CEC was the sponsor of a meeting, which the Cuban authorities described as illegal.

"I denied that I was a sponsor, nor that this was going to happen," he said.

At the police station they reminded him that the new Penal Code establishes sanctions of deprivation of liberty for anyone who "incites against the social order, international solidarity or the socialist State."

"The interrogation lasted one hour and 11 minutes. The harassment of the Coexistence Studies Center continues," he concluded.

This Tuesday, Valdés Hernández reported that he had been summoned for interrogation at the Technical Investigations Department, at kilometer 4 and a half, of the highway to San Juan, Pinar del Río.

This is not the first time that Valdés Hernández has been interrogated for his activities and has even suffered other types of repression, such as being besieged in his home by members of the Ministry of the Interior (MININT).

In December 2022, State Security subjected him to interrogation together with fellow CEC activist Yoandy Izquierdo Toledo, to learn details of their visit to Spain and continue their studies of the Doctorate in Humanities that they receive at the Francisco de Vitoria University, in Madrid.

"Even though they said it was a 'routine interview' with all the people who travel, the CEC considers that the harassment of its members continues," they said in a statement.

Months before Valdés Hernández reported that two men, dressed in civilian clothes, positioned themselves in front of his home and they prevented him from going out into the street.

Dagoberto Valdés Hernández (Pinar del Río, 1955) is an agricultural engineer by profession. He directed the magazine Stained glass and currently directs the digital magazine Coexistence. He is also an essayist and editor of sociocultural publications.

He CEC it's a think tank independent in Cuba, which is presented as a plural and inclusive, independent, non-partisan and non-profit space of Cuban civil society. Its objectives are to inspire, create and disseminate ideas and solutions through its strategic prospecting studies and ethical and civic training initiatives.

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