The Cuban intellectualJorge Fernandez Era denounced the decision of State Security to undertake reprisals against his son in prison, in his attempt to silence the voice of the rebellious writer and journalist.
In deprivation of liberty after a crime committed in 2021, Fernández Era's son has been used by Cuban repressors to pressure the writer and force him to desist from his critical and scathing publications against the Cuban regime.
“After the investigative process, he was transferred to the Guatao Western Juvenile Prison, where he received pressure to stop associating with his father. I lived one of them,” Fernández Era said this Tuesday on his social networks.
That happened during one of the family visits, when an officer from the Technical Investigations Department decided to deprive the young man of that right to subject him to an interrogation about his father. However, she was not the only one.
“The event that I will report with your consent happened on Wednesday, April 12th.” I needed to hear in my son's voice details that would reveal to me what I felt: that it had been concocted with absolute premeditation," said Fernández Era.
Since March, State Security has been around the young man in prison to convince him of the advisability of distancing himself from his father, a figure harmful to him, especially as a prisoner of a crime.
In that sense, officers and “friends” have approached him proposing a change of penitentiary center (El Chico) “in order to ‘protect him’ from the influences of his father.” According to the journalist, “the confinement would include six months without a pass or visit, much less that of his parent.”
“We will ask the Ministry of the Interior to postpone his transfer in order to give his father time to be called to tell about the publications offensive to the Government and the Revolution that he publishes on social networks,” said an official from the penitentiary center to a relative of the young man. , who later recounted the conversation to his father.
The pressure on the 22-year-old young man, who is serving his sentence in the “Toledo 2 camp, close to the CUJAE,” constitutes the umpteenth aberration of the Cuban repressive bodies in their attempt to silence Fernández Era and further evidence of the violent totalitarianism that oppresses Cubans.
“My son is subject to additional sanctions due to a crime he did not commit, or a 'contravention' by a close family member. He doesn't have to pay for what his father does, and vice versa. What happened with Eduardito violates the most basic human rights and the Constitution of the Republic itself. A rule of law cannot allow MININT combatants to use such base methods of human degradation in the name of the Revolution they claim to defend with the sole purpose of silencing me.”
For Fernández Era, this behavior of the authorities is typical of “a fascism entrenched in the soul of the nation” and an unhealthy desire of State Security to prevent him from exercising his freedom of expression.
“Will I be able, with such precedents, to trust that those responsible for maintaining order will ensure that my son only fulfills what he is required to do according to the current Criminal Procedure Law and Penal Code?” asked the distraught father, who demanded his immediate release. of his son and an authorization to leave the country, since “his physical and psychological integrity is in danger here.”
To achieve this, the writer made “a call to the UN, its Human Rights Commission, Amnesty International, UNESCO, the Vatican, religious congregations of any denomination, the International Red Cross, the embassies located in "Havana, to the democratic governments and parliaments of the entire world, to honest writers and artists, to the international media, to the international left and to all good-hearted people to intercede for my son."
“I hold the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister, the Communist Party of Cuba, and the bodies of the Ministry of the Interior responsible for retaliation against a young man who has no other fault than being his father's son,” Fernández concluded. Was.
The complaint confirms what the intellectual said days before in a post regarding the censorship exercised against him by the magazineThe Young Cuba, in which he warned that he would tell “in due timeall the baseness with which the 'heroic' organs of the MININT have taken me down”.
“If my claim is not attended to, on Saturday, April 29, between 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m., I will sit again in front of the monument to the Apostle in Central Park, this time in peaceful protest against the harassment that Eduardito and I are experiencing. I. I will repeat it week after week, at the same time. I have nothing to lose anymore,” warned Fernández Era.
Filled with pain, the father asked the regime's repressors to focus their discredit campaign on him, to judge him and imprison him if they considered it necessary to silence him. “But, don't touch my son!”
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