Cuban installs his "heated" pool in the middle of the street

The man takes the opportunity to "sell his things" while taking a bath in the street.

In the midst of the oppressive heat of this summer, a Cuban installed his own street in the middle of the street climatized pool and left everyone around him wanting to try it.

"This is heated. Look! Touch the water, this is for you to see. This is crazy heated! The thing is that a starving person cannot go to a beach, he cannot go to a swimming pool. And what is left for the starving man?", asked the creator of this unique and refreshing invention.

The video was shared on Instagram by the influencer Alain Paparazzi. The pool is actually a bathtub full of water that a man placed on a sidewalk, in the middle of the street and under the sun. He "climatized" it by adding two gallons of ice to keep the temperature cool.

While taking his bath in the improvised pool, the Cuban takes the opportunity to talk with those who pass by his street and sell things that is on display in the middle of the public space.

A person stopped to talk to the bather and asked him the price of some soap he had for sale. He, from his cool personal pool, responded: "At 100 pesos!".

This is life in Cuba. People enjoy the private in the middle of public space, because as the Cuban in this story says, to those who do not have resources: What do they have left?

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