Emotional reunion: Cuban surprises his mother by returning to Cuba after five years

Young Cuban reunites with his mother after five years and excites the networks with thousands of views on TikTok

A new surprise reunion is exciting social networks. An emotional moment shared by the user @ daddy79304 on his TikTok profile, where we can see the young Cuban arrive at his mother's house as a surprise.

"After 5 long years I return to Cuba to see my mother", wrote about the beautiful moment, which has more than ten thousand reproductions.

Faced with the surprise appearance of the young man, his mother cannot contain her emotion and they melt into a warm hug full of feelings.

"I haven't hugged my mother for 4 years, I dream of that moment. Blessings, congratulations and enjoy it to the fullest", "What a joy, but children are going to kill their parents with those unannounced surprises. That's hard and delicate, poor mother, but blessings for all", "The greatest blessing in the world", "Blessings came to my eyes" or "Nice meeting between mother and son", are some comments that are read next to the video.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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