The afternoon was beautiful, that July 27, 1993, the sun was beating down as usual in the summer of Salamanca, an old Spanish city belonging to the autonomous community of Castilla y León.
The stands of their small athletic stadium were packed waiting for the biggest attraction: the jumper!Javier Sotomayor!, who had already written a page of glory there by establishing his first outdoor world prize of 2 meters 43 centimeters in September 1988.
…And the Cuban did not disappoint: 2.45, a world record that has remained unbeatable for 30 years. I think the Prince of Heights has been one of the athletes I have interviewed the most in my life and today, hours before the anniversary of his unique feat, he couldn't say no.
What does Soto do, how does he celebrate the 30th anniversary of his still current record?
I'm celebratingmy thirtieth anniversary with several activities: my 2.45 cocktail chosen from several bartenders, I received a tribute in my hometown of Limonar that included a sports-cultural activity; inmy BAR 2.45 and in the Ballroom of the International Hotel in Varadero, Maykel Blanco and his Salsa Mayor (group that I founded) will perform concerts in my honor.
This Thursday the 27th, at the Spanish Embassy in Havana, I will receive a recognition that must include the documentary that you made for me “The Prince of Heights” and upon my return to Spain, after the World Cup, there will be other tributes in Salamanca and Guadalajara.
Wow, you can't complain. Where do you currently reside?
I live in Guadalajara, a city located about 60 kilometers from Madrid and which for many years has served as a training base for the Cuban field and track team.
Your offspring has increased; It's already five and finally... a girl.
Well yes. There are five of them: Javier, Xavier, Jaxier, Jadier and Jaxari, the last three live with their mother, also in Guadalajara.
30 years after your RM, no human has dared to knock down your rod. Do you see any with possibilities currently?
It's been 30 years since 2.45 and 35 as a record holder: remember that I set the indoor record at 2 meters 43 centimeters and then set three outdoors. In 2013 and 2014, two jumpers came close: the Ukrainian Bohdan Bondarenko and the Qatari Mutaz Essa Barshim, but they could not achieve it.
In fact, Barshim is still the best jumper in recent years. Predicting who or when will surpass my mark is very difficult. Since September 8, 1988, I have been convinced that someone, at some point, will surpass my mark; Life and development are based on improvement.
Let's talk about your offspring, what characteristics does he have, do you see him becoming great like you?
My sonJaxier, who is champion of Spain Under-16 despite being only 15 years old, he has a good height, adequate physical constitution for a jumper and has a strong character for his training and competitions.
At the moment, for his age he is above the world average. I wouldn't want to go ahead and say that it will be close to my results; It's just a fantasy, it's what I would like most as a father and coach.
There have been cases that at an early age they stand out a lot and then they plateau in their results and others the opposite, over time they improve and improve. The truth is that anyone who is not moderately good in this discipline at 15 and 16 years old will not stand out in the future and my son is excelling. Let's hope.
Current Cuban athletics, any hope for Paris 2024?
These are different times that we live in today in a general sense than the one that happened to me and that is reflected in sport and even more so in Cuba.
Today, with the percentage that athletes receive from my sport, with a good investment and/or administration they could live better, but many seek to improve themselves or prove themselves at other levels in other leagues, they also seek to be financially better off for themselves and their families. In my time I would have had… ugh! hahaha. I hope that with the current laws both aspects can be combined: that no dream or hope is limited and at the same time they can continue competing for Cuba.
For Paris, in our sport we do not have many athletes who can get on the podium; The cases of triple jumpers Leyanis Pérez and Lázaro Martínez, some long jumpers, are for me the ones with the most possibilities.
Despite living in Spain, you maintain your position in the Cuban Athletics Federation, is that correct?
Well yes, I am the general secretary of the Cuban Federation, I spend time between the two countries. In Havana I also have my BAR 2.45 and in Spain I dedicate myself to training my son.
Congratulations Prince of Heights. Who had the opportunity to follow you throughout your career from the 2.33 national record, through your titles in Indoor and Outdoor World Championships, your Olympic medals with gold in Barcelona 92 and silver in Sydney 2000 and your four records of the world, live proud of yourself. Cuba, Spain, the world are proud of you, go ahead champion, 30 years are nothing!
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