The humorous program"Live the story"premiered his fourth program "La vida en fossa", from thecurrent season, with the special participation of Ignacio Hernandez, Michel Penton, Jorge Luis de Cabo and Oscar Bringas.
A group of people meet to discuss the situation of a grave in the neighborhood. Pánfilo, one of the protagonists, complains about the problems caused by the dumping of sewage and the lack of action to resolve it.
During a meeting, they discuss the difficulties they face, from bad smell to health problems caused by waste. The group looks for solutions, but their efforts don't seem to work.
Later, Pánfilo goes to various offices to file complaints about the grave, but the answers are not satisfactory. He even confronts a journalist who accuses him of being "the murderer of the grave."
As time passes, the pit continues to grow, and complaints from neighbors increase.
The craziest moment of the program is when the neighbors dream of the idea of celebrating the grave's 15th, with guest artists, music, photos and a whole array of resources.
Finally, the solution appears when an important visit to the local school is announced and the authorities begin to take steps to solve the problem.
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