Cubans have been the ones who have received the most Spanish nationality since the Democratic Memory Law (LMD), known as Grandchildren Law, 10 months ago.
The Consulate General of Havana has been the one that has approved the most nationalities until the end of August, with nearly 15,000 applications approved, a figure well above that of Mexico City, which follows with more than 8,500. Europa Press reported.
In third place is the consulate of Córdoba, in Argentina, with 5,700 approved applications, and then those of Santiago de Chile and the Argentine consulates of Rosario and Mendoza, with more than 4,100 nationalities.
In total, some 69,000 people have received Spanish nationality around the world, especially in Latin America, since the Law came into force.
The Consulate General of Spain in Havana announced for the first week of October the resumption of the processing of applications for Spanish nationality that are covered by the LMD, whose entry into force is about to be one year old.
The announcement came after multiple complaints about a long period of inactivity.
The diplomatic headquarters admitted that it has received “numerous queries” about the assignment of credentials and appointments from those who have not yet been able to present their file and fear that they will not have time, since the application of the LMD has an expiration of two years, counted from October 2022, which means that the first anniversary is about to happen.
Given the high demand for applications, the Consulate warns that the assignment of credentials could take several weeks.
However, the diplomatic entity assures that it is working to “equip itself with additional means” and that all applicants who meet the requirements stipulated by the Democratic Memory Law can apply for nationality within the established period, that is, before October. of 2024.
Popularly known as the Nietos Law, the Democratic Memory Law opened the possibility for more descendants of Spanish can choose to take advantage of Spanish nationality.
One of the sections that has increased the number of applicants the most is that it includes the adult sons and daughters of those Spaniards whose nationality was recognized within the framework of the Historical Memory Law of 2007.
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