Cuban journalist celebrates eight years in the United States: "I can tell you that it has been worth it"

Javier Díaz arrived in the United States on January 8, 2016 and currently works at the Univisión 23 television network in Miami.

Javier Díaz a su llegada a Estados Unidos (i) y en la actualidad (d) © Facebook/Javier Díaz
Javier Díaz upon his arrival in the United States (i) and currently (d) Photo © Facebook/Javier Díaz

The Cuban journalistJavier Diaz He recalled his arrival in the United States on his social networks and expressed his gratitude for the opportunities he has found in that country.

“This January 8 I celebrate another year in the United States, the country that welcomed me and has given me so much,” wrote the young reporter and announcer who currently works forUnivision 23 in Miami.

Facebook/Javier Díaz

Javier Díaz arrived in the United States in January 2016 and has never forgotten the place where he came from.

“I am another immigrant, another Cuban who arrived one day and felt proud to also touch this flag,” he confessed.

Likewise, he argued that “during all these years I can tell you that it has been worth it,” while sending advice to his followers to “continue to strive, that step by step the dreams that were taken from us in the countries where we were born are achieved.” ”.

Regarding the United States, he warned that “it is my second country and it is my home, here I have grown up and formed my family.”

The post has numerous interactions, including several congratulatory messages to the journalist.

“Congratulations and thank you very much for being so humble and not being ashamed of your roots and for always being Cuban wherever you are because that defines you as a person, congratulations,” wrote one Internet user.

Another user also wished her congratulations and added that "I hope that the Cubans who wait and achieve their dream and that everything goes as well for you, rain of blessings from Cuba."

In September of last year,Díaz remembered his first job when he arrived in the country: In the kitchen of a restaurant in San Antonio, Texas.

"I was there during my first seven months in this country. I have never hidden it, and I always remember my beginnings as an immigrant in a very special way," he said.

It is not the first time that Javier proudly shows what his origins were. In June of that year,He published photos of when he lived in Cuba and only had a bicycle to get around.

"Gentlemen, that was my bicycle in Cuba! That was part of my life in Cuba and I am not at all ashamed to show where I come from. Of course in the United States, in addition to my stroller, I also have a bicycle, because we must never forget where we come from, nor should the material change our essence," he said.

The young reporter was reunited with his parents last October, after more than seven months without seeing them in person.

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