The Goddess celebrates the success of "El Yaris", her shooting to Yulién Oviedo

The singer couldn't be happier with the results her shooting is having.

The goddess I couldn't be happier with the results."The Yaris", his attraction to the Cuban singerYulien Oviedo with whom he has been in controversy for several days.

The Cuban singer premiered the single on her YouTube channel on February 1st and since then the song has not stopped giving something to talk about on social networks.

So much so that the artist is very happy with the reception that "El Yaris" is receiving and has celebrated with all her followers that it has surpassed 100 thousand views on the platform in its four days of publication.

"And how does the chorus say? This reached its first 100 thousand", La Diosa commented in a video she uploaded to her Instagram profile.

In the video you can also see thechallenge that she and her husband El Ray Mago launched after the premiere, but this time they added an image of Yulién Oviedo to add fuel to the matter.

La Diosa released her timba version of "El Yaris", the name of Yulién Oviedo's old song, after he made derogatory comments about her and her children in some posts on FacebookCyberCuba.

After the musical proposal of La Diosa, Yulién Oviedo decided to counterattack using the same formula and premiered a song called on his YouTube channel"Slide for The Goddess".

However, Yulién Oviedo has not suffered the same fate as La Diosa, as his tiradera has so far received 12,000 views on YouTube in two days since it was published.

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Yare Grau

Natural from Cuba, but I live in Spain. I studied Social Communication at the University of Havana and later graduated in Audiovisual Communication at the University of Valencia. I am currently part of the CiberCuba team as an editor in the Entertainment section.

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