The Goddess touches her fans with Reychel's video: "When your daughter knows more than you"

The daughter of La Diosa triumphs on Instagram with her response to her mother when she is alarmed by her toy.

The Goddess has no time to be bored at home thanks to her daughter Reychel, the fruit of her love with Rey El Mago. The Cuban singer, real name Dianelys Alfonso Cartaya, shared a fun and friendly moment that she experienced with the little girl of the house, which has moved her mother's followers with the response she gave when she reproached her for making the house dirty.

In the video published by the popular Cuban singer, her 7-year-old daughter appears with a liquid on the table, to which La Diosa becomes alarmed saying: "Reychel, but how are you going to dump water on me there? I've spent all day cleaning.", the artist tells her daughter, who shows her that it is a viscous mass and is not a liquid.

"Mom, but that goes away"says Reychel, showing him that it is slime, a toy dough for children.

Faced with this nice family scene, La Diosa's followers did not take long to react, leaving comments for the little girl.

"How beautiful and how big my daughter is, I can't wait to see her,""Goddess let the girl play because you are now a mother yuma", "How cute your girl is. Blessings", "Hahahahaha mom update yourself. She is so sweet","The same face as King", "Slime on top of the Reychel carpet? Oh my liver is giving me a heart attack" or "So beautiful Reychel. Bigger and smarter every day. God bless her," are some of the messages that are read alongside the post.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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