Ovi lights up the networks with the preview of its album "El asere de aseres" with traditional Cuban music

Ovi is warming up for the premiere of his album "El asere de aseres"!

The wait is about to come to an end! The fans ofThesecount the hours until the premiere of his next album,The asere of aseres, an album that will finally see the light of day this February 8.

The Cuban singer's followers have been waiting months for this release, which will feature18 songs, among which we find several stellar collaborations with Cuban and international artists. Among the national singers who will be part of this album we find the duo Gente de Zona, formed by Alexander Delgado and Randy Malcom, or Harryson.

Nacho Mendoza, Darell or Blessd are other singers that we will hear in the songs ofThe asere of aseres.

To warm up for this long-awaited release, the singer did so by sharing what will be the Intro of his album, a song of traditional Cuban music and accompanied by a very special person for him: his mother, who appears playing the güiro.

"What a joy,The asere of aseres It finally comes out this Thursday, February 8. Thanks to all the artists and producers who collaborated with me, thanks to you for waiting for me all this time and thanks to my beautiful mother for appearing with me in the video playing the güiro. I love you", wrote the performer in the video, in which he confirms the titles of the 18 songs that make up his album.

Do you want to listenThe asere of aseres?

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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