Dutch company donates two ambulances to Cuba

The medical vehicles will be added to the nine ambulances that the province of Holguín received, from a batch of 99 acquired by the Cuban regime at the end of December.

Ambulancias donadas por Nirint © Facebook / Alexei Martínez
Ambulances donated by Nirint Photo © Facebook / Alexei Martínez

The shipping company Nirint Shipping B.V. donated to Cuba twoambulances that were unloaded in the port of Moa, province of Holguín, and that will be delivered to the country's public health authorities.

“Ambulances donated by the Nirint company and its partners are already in the Port of Moa. These will be delivered to the health sector in the next week for their gradual putting into operation," he indicated insocial networks the digital creatorAlexei Martinez.

Screenshot Facebook / Alexei Martínez

Images shared through their Facebook showed the two yellow Mercedes Benz ambulances parked at the port.

The province of Holguín benefited from the entry of some nine ambulances, as ofbatch of 99 medical transport vehicles acquired by the Cuban regime at the end of December.

According towebsite From the government of that province, two of the five ambulances from the Chinese manufacturer Foton were destined for the municipalities of Sagua de Tánamo and Antilla. The remaining three will be destined for the municipalities of Mayarí, Cacocum and Urbano Noris.

The remaining ones - four Mercedes Benz brand vehicles - will go to the regional bases of Banes, Moa and Holguín, which will receive two, one of which will replace the one currently in the neonatal service of the main city.

The latter will serve to "assume emergencies from the three regional bases of the province, which today face a sensitive situation with specialized medical transportation," he indicated.William Puente, head of the Transportation Department of the Provincial Health Directorate, although he acknowledged that “these will not solve the existing deficit.”

Thanks to the donation from the Dutch shipping company, Holguín increases its fleet of ambulances, one of which has been affected by the disinvestment of a government that allocates its foreign currency topurchase of cars and buses for tourism, as well asmotorcycles and police patrols, leaving out ambulances, garbage trucks and public transportation,whose vehicles usually arrive on the island as a result of donations.

Despite the general crisis facing the country,The Cuban regime invested four times more in hotels and restaurants than in Public Health and Social Assistance in the first half of 2023, according to a report from the National Office of Statistics and Information (ONEI).

The graph indicates that the investment from January to June in health and social assistance was only 583.3 million pesos; while the regime allocated 2,325.3 million to hotels and restaurants.

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