Car that was traveling the opposite way through El Vedado hits a young cyclist

The events took place this Friday at the intersection of 21st and 4th streets, when the Hyundai car collided with the young cyclist, causing him serious injuries that led to his transfer by ambulance to a hospital.

The driver of a car that was allegedly traveling in the wrong direction on a street inTight, in Havana, hit a young cyclist who suffered serious injuries that led to his transfer by ambulance to a hospital.

The events took place this Friday at the intersection of 21st and 4th Street, when a Hyundai car – which according to witnesses was traveling in the opposite direction on 21st Street – collided with the young man who was traveling inbicycle.

Screenshot Facebook / Bus & Truck Accident

“Accident in El Vedado, on 21st and 4th. A Gray Hyundai Accent car was coming the other way on 21st Street and hit a cyclist who was coming up 4th Street. They took the boy to the Ramón González Coro Maternity Hospital to give him the first treatment. aids. His forehead was open and he was releasing a lot of blood. The bicycle fell under the car and so did the traffic sign,” reported an Internet user.

They arepublication, shared in the Facebook group 'Bus & Truck Accidents' showed images of the accident and videos of the first aid received by the cyclist.

In these types of accidents, logically, cyclists bear the brunt. At the beginning of January, the driver of a MoskvichHe allegedly fled after hitting a cyclist in Havana, according to reports on social networks.

"Approximately 10 minutes ago there was an accident in Porvenir and Tejar: a blue Moskvich collided with a bicycle rider and fled. The man looked pretty bad, we helped him," indicated the authors of the publication.

At the end of August of last year, a young CubanHe lost his life after impacting his electric bicycle (motorcycle) against a bus in Havana, in an accident that caused minor injuries to her little girl, who was with her.

Days before, a car of the brandLada collided with a cyclist on a highway in Havana, causing injuries that had to be treated at a hospital.

Reports on social networks indicated that the accident occurred near the bus stop known as Bar Madera, located near the Antonio Pulido Humarán Polyclinic hospital and the Correo de Arroyo Arenas post office.

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