They ask the Parliament of Canada to demand the freedom of political prisoners in Cuba

The document calls on the House of Commons of the Parliament of Canada to “urge the Canadian government to demand that the totalitarian Cuban regime promptly release all political prisoners and detainees, and put an end to the harassment of their families, dissidents, opposition and human rights activists.”

Encuentro de miembros de las comunidades cubana y nicaragüense en Canadá con la miembro del Parlmento Melissa Lantsman © Instagram/Melissa Lantsman
Meeting of members of the Cuban and Nicaraguan communities in Canada with Parliament member Melissa Lantsman Photo © Instagram/Melissa Lantsman

Activists of Cuban origin in Canada and politicians from that country presented apetition to parliament fordemand from the Cuban regime the release of political prisoners and the cessation of human rights violations and repression on the island.

The document calls on the House of Commons of the Parliament of Canada, which meets this Wednesday in Ottawa, to “urge the Canadian government todemand that the Cuban totalitarian regime promptly release all political prisoners and detainees, and to put an end to the harassment of their relatives, dissidents, opposition and human rights activists.”

Likewise, it demands that the legislature enact “aresolution to censure the unelected Cuban regime for its serious and widespread abuses againsthuman rights”.

Likewise, it asks that Cuban-Canadians, citizens or permanent residents, be recognized “as a voice of dissent or political opposition to the Cuban regime in Canada with the right to appear in Parliament, the Senate and other forums in legitimate opposition to diplomatic representation.” of the Cuban dictatorial regime”; and take part in a “debate with Cuba's pro-democracy civil society to determine ways to restore stability in Cuba and set the stage for a democratic transition.”

The petition already exceeds 340 signatures and needs a total of 500 to become effective. It was started by the activist Kirenia Carbonell and among its sponsors is the member of Parliament Pierre Paul-Hus, of the Conservative Party.

Carbonell declared to the independent mediaCuba DNA that “the intention is to be able to bring the critical reality of Cuba with real statistics to different committees and subcommittees on defense, national security, immigration, and above all, alert Canada of the danger that the Cuban dictatorship represents for the democracies of the Hemisphere, as a whole of what it represents in terms of repression and violation of human rights within Cuba.”

Recently, members of the Cuban and Nicaraguan communities in the North American country met with Member of Parliament Melissa Lantsman, of the Conservative Party.

Last December,Members of the community of Cuban origin in Canada spoke before legislators of that country for the release of the more than a thousand political prisoners in Cuba, as part of a joint petition from Cuban civil society that seeks the support of parliaments and congresses of 18 democratic nations.

The group of activists held a meeting with theSenator Leo Housakos and Member of Parliament Pierre Paul-Hus, in which they addressed “the critical situation that Cuba is going through,” in particular, thepolitical prisoners, thehuman rights violations and therepression of political dissent by the Cuban regime.

10th of December,International Human Rights Day, Cuban-Canadians living in Toronto participated in a commemorative event in which they remembered the victims of totalitarian regimes, such as those of Cuba, Iran and Venezuela.

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