Cuban family reunites in Miami after more than two years apart

The family now reunited says that their greatest wish is to enjoy freedom.

Reencuentro hijo con sus padres © Captura de Video/Javier Díaz
Reunion of son with his parents Photo © Video Capture/Javier Díaz

Some parents were able to hug their only son, in an emotional reunion that took place in Miami, United States, where the family emigrated in search of freedom.

“To be able to hug them after so much time, to see them run out to where I was, I mean, there is no way,” said the son, namedOrlando Ruiloba Torres, unable to finish the words cut off by the emotion of the moment.

His testimony was collected by the journalist fromUnivision Javier Diaz, who was able to capture details of this family reunion.

“It is very difficult to emigrate, to leave everything, especially the land where you were born, but well, we have no choice but to take the path if we want to be free,” were the words of Daimí, the mother who had a happy face. .

For his part, the son added that his goal was to obtain “the freedom that was denied to us in Cuba” and clarified that they were not “economic migrants.”

About the wait of almost five months in Mexico for the appointment ofCBP One, the mother spoke about the fear and anguish she felt.

“There was talk about kidnappings, which I saw on the networks, in the groups I was in and it always made me a little afraid,” she said.

In American lands, the mother states that she is not motivated by material things, what she wants is to be happy. “Enjoy that lost time, go to the beach, take a walk, feel free,” he noted.

Recently,A Cuban mother could not avoid a fit of crying when she fell into an emotional and prolonged hug at the Miami airport with her son, whom I hadn't seen for almost five years.

Also,A Cuban woman welcomed her mother with chocolates, flowers, an American flag and balloons and as soon as they saw each other, they merged into a warm hug that moved hundreds of users on the social network.TikTok where the video of this reunion was shared.

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