The Taiger returns to Cuba and is reunited with his grandmother and daughter

The Cuban reggaeton player also went to his girlfriend's town to meet her family

The Cuban singer José Manuel Carbajal Zaldívar, better known asThe Taiger is back in Cuba.

This was documented by the interpreter of "La historia" on his social networks, where he posted a video that he recorded flying over the island and included his beautiful reunion with his grandmother and her daughter.

In a video that the Cuban reggaeton singer published on Instagram we see him arriving at his grandmother's house in Cuba to meet her again. As soon as he sees her, he gets down on his knees and hugs her while she says things in his ear.

To finish the beautiful video, the singer included images with his daughter, whom we see hugging him next to a Mercedes brand car, with which they also posed in another snapshot.

"The internet cannot be stronger than the customs with which you grew up on this island"wrote El Taiger along with this beautiful video, making it clear that the negative comments will not prevent him from returning to Cuba to be with his family. "We are the best in the world. Good son, good everything," he added in the description of the post.

In addition to this video that he uploaded of his trip to Cuba, the singer uploaded a photo praying in the Rincón de San Lázaro.

Taking advantage of your visit to Cuba,Taiger also visited the family of his girlfriend, Cuban Suilen Diaz, who thanked her boy for this nice detail on her social networks.

Instagram screenshot

"You took the time to go to my town to visit my family and get to know them. That to me is worth a thousand words. Thank you for being so special to me and for loving me the way you do. You gave them the hug that you didn't get two years ago." I give, and you were there for me. You surprised me as always. I love you fat. You are the best. Apart from the fact that you made my whole town crazy," the young Cuban thanked El Taiger in a story she uploaded to her Instagram.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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