Eight days without news of a three-year-old Cuban girl who disappeared in Havana

A cousin of the deceased mother asked for help finding the missing minor.

Menor desaparecida en Cuba © Collage redes sociales
Minor missing in Cuba Photo © Collage social networks

The three-year-old Cuban girlLali Paola Moliner She was missing for eight days and her relatives are asking for urgent help to locate her.

“Eight days ago today my cousin appeared lifeless on the coast and her daughter still has not appeared. If anyone sees her or knows anything, please don't delay in letting us know, I don't know what to think anymore,” he said.Rosana Álvarez Mayari in a post on Facebook.

Facebook capture/Rosana Álvarez Mayarí

In a following publication, Álvarez Mayarí expressed his frustration with those in charge of searching for his cousin's daughter and said: “I would like to know why they have not found Paola, I am already fuming, because I am sure that if they put a bomb in a hotel, or in the Capitol, or a foreigner disappears, in less than 24 hours he appears.”

Facebook capture/Rosana Álvarez Mayarí

Among words that denote despair and helplessness, the woman blamed several people and regretted that in Cuba no importance was given to the lives of those who inhabit the island.

Lali Paola resides in the Bahía neighborhood, in the Habana del Este municipality.The little girl disappeared last Monday, February 27.

Arseni Moliner, the girl's uncle and brother of the minor's mother, Teresa Moliner, who was found dead near the coast in Cojímar, told the independent media14 Septemberthat there was an active police search and that the family was also trying to find out everything they could on their part.

"We have published about the disappearance on Facebook and asked people for help to spread the word about the situation and try to find someone who has seen them and can give us a clue," Moliner told the aforementioned media.

Regarding the discovery on Monday, February 26, of the body of her sister, Teresa Moliner Bosa, 24, said that they do not know if her death was due to natural causes or a murder, since the police have not provided that information to the family. .

"We buried her yesterday in the Regla cemetery, and when we saw the body, we observed that her face was quite bruised and she did not have her belongings on her and her mobile phone is still missing. We do not know what happened to her," he said.

The woman left with the little girl on Sunday, February 25, from her parents' house, in the Bahía district, heading to Cojímar, both towns in the Habana del Este municipality.From that moment on they had no more news about them..

Another family source told the aforementioned media that they are worried about the girl's health, because she has allergy problems and suffers from severe asthma attacks.

The family has released the following telephone numbers in case anyone knows anything about the girl's whereabouts: 58385107, 53161904, 59040389 and 51976232.

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