They ask for blood donation for sick Cuban teenager in Havana

The child is admitted to the Juan Manuel Márquez Pediatric Hospital, in the Cuban capital.

Brayan Edel Cabrera Díaz © Facebook Lara Crofs
Brayan Edel Cabrera Díaz Photo © Facebook Lara Crofs

A Cuban teenager requiresblood donations of type A+ and A- at the Juan Manuel Márquez Pediatric Hospital in Havana.

The request for help was spread by the activistYamilka Lafita, known as Lara Crofs on social networks, given the critical health situation that the child faces, with an alarming platelet count of only 10.

Facebook Lara Crofs

The urgent call issued in Havana is to findtype A+ and A- blood donors for the teenagerBryan Edel Cabrera Díaz, who is admitted to the Juan Manuel Márquez Pediatric Hospital.

In his message, Crofs urged the solidarity of the population. "Let's help save this child," he said and left the contact number ofErik, Brayan's father, who is 53216416. You can also call the child's aunt,Dainelis, al number 54547839.

The reactions of the Cubans have not been long in coming. They left numerous messages of support on social networks directed towards the family and support for the sick child, wishing his speedy recovery. It has not yet been confirmed if they already have theblood donations needed.

This case reflects the emergency situation facing the island's health system, where blood contributions have become a prevailing need to save lives.

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