They sell eggs with white yolks in Cuban wineries: "They have neither smell nor taste"

Those who have tried these eggs claim that they are tasteless.

Huevos con yema blancas en Cuba © Facebook Roxy Batista
Eggs with white yolk in Cuba Photo © Facebook Roxy Batista

In Cuban wineries the government is selling someeggs with white yolk that have not left consumers indifferent.

"They have no smell or taste"say some people who have tried them and have documented the singular discovery of theeggs with white yolks.

Facebook Roxy Batista

One person wondered if, amid food shortages in Cuba, it could be thatchickens have low hemoglobin. Others fear that they are not bird eggs but lizard eggs, and there are even those who consider that they could not be healthy.

Thechicken egg yolk It is usually yellow or intense orange due to the presence of pigments called xanthophylls, especially lutein and zeaxanthin. These pigments are found in birds' food, in the grains and green leafy vegetables they consume.

Facebook María Elena Piloto

Theegg yolk may appear white by the chickens' diet. If they do not consume foods containing xanthophylls, it will be pale or even whitish.

A diet composed mainly ofgrains without pigments or processed foods can result in a very light yolk, like that of the eggs sold in Cuban bodegas.

Cuba already had problems with animal feed, because it did not have the resources to acquire it in the international market and at one time the regime proposed making thechicken grazing.

Facebook Saily Cárdenas

Some sources claim that alsothe age of the chickens It may be related to the more intense color or not of the egg yolk. Younger ones tend to produce eggs with paler yolks compared to more mature hens.

Another factor that may be influencing isstorage conditions. Eggs stored for a long time have changes in yolk composition, which can affect their color.

Some breeds of chickens can produceeggs with paler yolks than others, due to genetic differences in the ability to deposit pigments.

However, it is important to note that the color of the egg yolk does not necessarily indicate its nutritional quality or freshness. Aegg with a light-colored yolk It can be nutritious and tasty.

Despite this, many consumers associate darker yolks with eggs from free-range chickens or fed a diet rich in natural nutrients.

In the Cuban case, marked by food shortages and high egg prices, where a cartonIt can cost up to 3 thousand pesos and some are imported, the appearance of thewhite yolks It generates debate on the networks, because people can no longer eat a fried egg with grace, and color, on the island.

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