Emotional reunion of a Cuban with her mother in Cuba after 2 years

The emotional reunion was shared on TikTok by the protagonist of the beautiful images.

TikTok once again makes us witness an emotional reunion in Cuba. The protagonist of the beautiful scene is TikTok user @diannelis91, who shared on the social network the moment in which she hugs her mother and family again after more than two years.

As soon as you get out of the car, The Cuban goes directly to her mother to merge with her in a warm hug full of emotion. They are joined by the rest of their family.

Faced with the beautiful images of this Cuban's return, TikTok users reacted with congratulations and messages of love for her.

"What happiness. There is no money in the world like family. Blessings to that beautiful family," "You made me cry, I felt that joy. What an emotion, my God", "What a moment that was, my God. Congratulations. Take advantage of them", "Congratulations and blessings. You don't know how much I miss that hug with my mother and my children", "How I cried with this video", are some of the comments that They left.

The emotion conveyed by the reunions of Cuban emigrants with their families transcends the screen and there are thousands of netizens who view this type of content on TikTok, turning them into viral ones.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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