Cuban fulfills her dream of meeting her sister for the first time in the United States after almost 20 years

After 20 years of separation and communication only through WhatsApp, two sisters, one from Cuba and the other from Spain, finally meet in the United States.

A young 28-year-old Cuban woman fulfilled her dream of meeting her 19-year-old sister for the first time. An emotional scene that we have been made part of thanks to the video that the protagonist of this moment shared on TikTok.

As Kelly Pérez (@kellyperez4531 on TikTok) explained, she is Cuban and her 19-year-old sister was born in Spain and until now they had never met in person. "We maintained communication through WhatsApp practically all our lives," he explained.

The Cuban has lived in the United States for 3 years, while her sister resides in Europe. And now, the eldest brought her sister to the United States to visit so they could meet.An emotional moment that they shared on social networks, moving hundreds of viewers.

"Finally I was given the opportunity to meet, treat, live with, embrace the blood of my blood. Life owed us. I receive you today, tomorrow and always with open arms and a heart beating with emotions and many mixed feelings "I still can't believe that this dream has come true, every day of my life I asked for it and thank God it came true.", wrote about the beautiful video in which that first hug was recorded.

"We didn't know each other because our mother has been in Spain for more than 20 years without going to Cuba. We only chatted on WhatsApp. It's something complicated"Kelly added in a comment, who we see happy to be with her little sister. A dream come true for the two sisters, whose story is moving many netizens.

"How much happiness. Nothing is impossible and today they are together", "This video made me cry", "What a beautiful meeting. I cried profusely. Blessings", "Welcome to your sister, how good that you can hug her and see her", "How beautiful, they are identical" or "How similar they are," are some of the comments that can be read along with the beautiful video.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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