La Dura has a new obsession and it is not within reach of all budgets

La Dura's new obsession is shared with other celebrities like Georgina Rodríguez or Cardi B.

The Hard She is a lover of fashion and trends, which has led her to become one of the Latin influencers with the most presence on Instagram, where she has almost 3 million followers. On her social networks, the Cuban businesswoman highlights her taste in clothing, mostly luxury, and recentlyyour new addiction to Hermès brand bags. An accessory that Jacob Forever's wife is obsessed with.

This was confessed in her Instagram stories where she reposted a photo from another account in which several bags from the exclusive brand appear, specifically the Birkin models. She already has two of this model, and it seems that they will not be the last judging by her passion for them...

Capture Instagram

Of La Dura's luxurious acquisitions in recent months, two Birkin bags from the Hermés brand stand out. The first of thema gray model that the influencer confessed cost her 23 thousand dollars. With that accessory she started her collection of Hermés bags, to which she recently added another blue one, ideal for the summer season.

In this way, Diliamne Jouve joins other celebrities who have also made the Hermès Birkin their star accessory. Some of the celebrities who wear these bags the most areGeorgina Rodríguez, Jennifer Lopez, Cardi B or Kim Kardashian.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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