What a change! This is what La Dura looked like when she was 15 years old

La Dura surprises her followers with a photo from her adolescence

La Dura © Instagram / La Dura
The Hard Photo © Instagram / La Dura

Diliamne Jouve - better known asThe Hard- is one of the Cuban influencers with the most presence on social networks, where she triumphs with her poses and outfits, always setting trends among her followers. However, on this occasion Jacob Forever's wife has not surprised with a spectacular look, but with a photo from her past, specifically when she was 15 years old and in her teens.

It was precisely in a round of questions and answers on Instagram, where a fan asked her to show a photo from when she was 15 years old and the content creator pleased her follower by publishing an unpublished one from that time.

In the image,La Dura appears with a red dress and more matching accessories. Her brown hair with blonde highlights is striking. What a change!

In addition to sharing this photo on Instagram, the influencer also responded if she has had Botox.

Instagram screenshot

"If I get Botox on my forehead area, I apply it approximately every 9 months, it lasts a long time and it is something that I love and recommend as long as you go with the right person," explained La Dura.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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