Maydy La Grande captivates her followers with her voice: "There are still many people who appreciate art"

Cuban singer Maydy La Grande thrills 1,200 followers live on TikTok, reaffirming the value of musical art.

Maydy La GrandeHe usually delights his followers with his voice and his talent by singing well-known songs on social networks, something that happened again this weekend on TikTok, where he had 1,200 people connected enjoying music. Quite an achievement for the Cuban singer who wanted to celebrate this milestone on Instagram with a fragment of a song she sang during the live show.

The Cuban singer delighted by singing "Me quedo tú" by Las Grecas during the live show, and this song is the one she chose to celebrate her achievement on TikTok.

"Thank you to everyone who joins my live on TikTok. On Saturday we reached 1,200 people connected, 3 hours. There are still many people who appreciate art. All is not lost. Good music will never die", wrote Maydy La Grande next to this publication, along with which she won the applause of her followers who loved her interpretation.

The Cuban singer recently announced that on May 10 she will pay tribute to mothers with a concert. Great news that adds to the fact that Maydy is working on new songs.

Maydy La Grande surprised her followers with good news and announcements of surprises on the way. "A surprise is coming and I just want to tell you that I know you are going to love it; it is a stick, it is more than a stick, it is something very beautiful, it is a caress to the ears," the artist commented in a video.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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